Thursday, December 1, 2011

Living Room rearrange and Dresser redo

Hey everybody,
I know it's been a while since my last post. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and now I'm looking forward to Christmas and enjoying the season. All that being said, at the same time, I've also been crazy busy and have a lot to post. I got an itch to rearrange the living room several weeks ago. Once I got it in my head I just couldn't let it go. My very sweet husband accommodated me and my rearranging impulses. We must have moved the furniture around every which way and in the end simply ended up flip flopping our short couch with the long one and flipping the corner our TV was in to the opposite corner. The main purpose for the rearranging was that I had now fixed up two chairs for the living room and needed a "sitting area" to put them in. Here are some before pics of the living room:

Above is the second chair I refinished. I found it on the side of the road, stained it and put these cushions on it. I came across another chair several months ago, also on the side of the road (I'm noticing a trend...) took it home replaced some missing parts, cleaned and stained it and got the same cushions for it.

When I first brought it home, and then with new stain on it.
 My new sitting area!
While rearranging Sean and I decided that since we were moving the furniture anyways, it might be a good time to redo our dresser/tv stand that we had been talking about redoing for over a year. So began the monumental task....
This is the dresser before:

We spent literally two days (morning to evening) stripping the paint off this thing. It was the closest thing to tar other than actual tar. Basically it was a nightmare, but eventually we got most of it off and sanded.

Then we stained it.

Meanwhile, the dogs enjoyed a nice day outside....

Anywho, back to the dresser. The last step was to put new handles on the drawers.
And tadaaaa! After all that effort we ended up with this.

Also, since these pictures were taken we have put up our Christmas decorations which I will be posting soon. Stay tuned and let me know what you think!
Love you all.

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