In case you haven't heard, Market on Belvin is happening this Saturday, November 12th! Mark it on your calendars and plan to come if you live in the San Marcos area. My friend and very talented decorator/designer Lauren Lowry is graciously opening up her beautiful home for this event. You can follow her blog and see some of her wonderful home at For more information about this event, you can search Market on Belvin on facebook. Alot of what you have seen on in previous posts on my blog will be for sale at Market on Belvin. I will be vendor #3. In addition to items I have already posted about, I have also made several "Christmas light bottles" for the Market. I figured with the holidays coming up it would be good to have some thing seasonal. I am very proud of the display case for my bottles. In case you can't tell, it is a shipping pallet stood up with 2X4's cut to fit into the slots to create shelves. It worked perfectly for my bottles because the wires could go through the slats in the back. I came up with the idea and my wonderful husband cut the 2X4's and secured them into the pallet. We make a great team, I'm the brains and he's the brawn! :)
What do you think?
Love you all and I hope to see you at Market on Belvin on Saturday!
Amy, I LOVE THESE! Please tell Sean he did a marvelous job too. I am so proud of the two of you. You are a awesome team! Let me think up my color scheme and I want some of these. Love you. Using this pallet is a wonderful idea! You amaze me!